Nhat Truong Pham

Ph.D. Student in Integrative Biotechnology specializing in 🧬Applied Machine Learning/Deep Learning for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics🧬


Room 62105, Biotechnology and Bioengineering Building 2, Seobu-ro, Jangan-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16419, Republic of Korea

Short Bio: My name is Phạm Nhật Trường - Vietnamese. I am currently a first/second-year Ph.D. Student at the Department of Integrative Biotechnology, College of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Republic of Korea. I am working under the guidance of Professor Balachandran Manavalan in the Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Laboratory. Prior to joining SKKU, I have worked as an Assistant Researcher at Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU), Vietnam. I completed my M.E. degree in Automation and Control at TDTU, where I was supervised by Dr. Sy Dzung Nguyen and co-supervised by Dr. Duc Ngoc Minh Dang. I also hold a B.E. degree in Electronics and Telecommunication from TDTU, which I obtained in 2019 under the supervision of Dr. Duc Ngoc Minh Dang.

Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Computational Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Signal Processing, XAI & Optimization, and their applications in the fields of Affective Computing, Antibody Therapeutics, Antibody Functional & Structural Prediction, Audio & Speech Processing, Bioinformatics, Biological Image Analysis, Computational Biology & Medicine, Computer-Aided Drug Design, Medical Image Analysis, Metagenomics Analysis, Multi-Omics Analysis, NeuroAI, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Peptide Therapeutics, Protein Design, Protein Functional & Structural Prediction, and Water Quality.

Inspirational Quotes:

Your origin does not determine what kind of person you are. Only you can decide who you become. - Meng Chih Chiang

Life can be heavy, especially if you try to carry it all at once. - Taylor Swift

Life can be seen as a balance between positive and negative aspects throughout its entirety. Therefore, it's essential to cherish every moment and embrace life fully. - Nhat Truong Pham

$$ \begin{align*} \text{Life} &= \int_{\text{birth}}^{\infty} \left(\frac{\text{Happiness} \times \text{Love} \times \text{Peace}}{\text{time}} - \frac{\text{Sadness} \times \text{Revenge} \times \text{Discord}}{\text{time}}\right) \, \text{dtime} \\ &= \int_{\text{birth}}^{\rm{t_{2024}}} \left(\frac{\text{Happiness} \times \text{Love} \times \text{Peace}}{\text{time}} - \frac{\text{Sadness} \times \text{Revenge} \times \text{Discord}}{\text{time}}\right) \, \text{dtime} \\ &\quad + \int_{\rm{t_{2024}}}^{\infty} \left(\frac{\text{Happiness}' \times \text{Love}' \times \text{Peace}'}{\text{time}} - \frac{\text{Sadness}' \times \text{Revenge}' \times \text{Discord}'}{\text{time}}\right) \, \text{dtime} \end{align*} $$

Latest News

Aug 13, 2024 Two collaborative manuscripts entitled “Federated Learning with U-Net for Brain Tumor Segmentation: Impact of Client Numbers and Data Distribution” and “Towards Real-time Vietnamese Traffic Sign Recognition on Embedded Systems” have been accepted for publication in the 2024 15th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC)
Jul 7, 2024 Two manuscripts entitled Mol2Lang-VLM: Vision- and Text-Guided Generative Pre-trained Language Models for Advancing Molecule Captioning through Multimodal Fusion” and “Lang2Mol-Diff: A Diffusion-Based Generative Model for Language-to-Molecule Translation Leveraging SELFIES Representation” have been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Language + Molecules (L+M 2024)
Jul 6, 2024 One manuscript entitled HOTGpred: Enhancing human O-linked threonine glycosylation prediction using integrated pretrained protein language model-based features and multi-stage feature selection approach” has been accepted for publication in the Computers in Biology and Medicine journal
Jun 28, 2024 Our project, entitled “Predicting Twelve Common RNA Modification Sites Using Advanced Deep Learning Frameworks with Conventional and Pre-trained Language Model Features (기존 및 사전 학습된 언어 모델 기반 특징을 사용하여 고급 딥러닝 프레임워 크로 열두 개의 일반적인 RNA 수정 부위 예측)”, has been selected for the 2024 2nd K-BDS analysis infrastructure utilization support program ([Track I] Large innovation research) by the Korea Bio Data Station (K-BDS), Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Republic of Korea
Jun 20, 2024 One manuscript entitled mACPpred 2.0: Stacked Deep Learning for Anticancer Peptide Prediction with Integrated Spatial and Probabilistic Feature Representations” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Molecular Biology

Selected Publications

(†) denotes equal contribution

(*) denotes correspondance

denotes journal

denotes conference


  1. Mol2Lang-VLM.png
    Mol2Lang-VLM: Vision- and Text-Guided Generative Pre-trained Language Models for Advancing Molecule Captioning through Multimodal Fusion
  2. Lang2Mol-Diff.png
    Lang2Mol-Diff: A Diffusion-Based Generative Model for Language-to-Molecule Translation Leveraging SELFIES Molecular String Representation
  3. HOTGpred.png
    HOTGpred: Enhancing human O-linked threonine glycosylation prediction using integrated pretrained protein language model-based features and multi-stage feature selection approach
    Nhat Truong Pham(†), Ying Zhang(†)Rajan Rakkiyappan, and Balachandran Manavalan
  4. mACPpred2.png
    mACPpred 2.0: Stacked Deep Learning for Anticancer Peptide Prediction with Integrated Spatial and Probabilistic Feature Representations
    Vinoth Kumar Sangaraju(†)Nhat Truong Pham(†)Leyi Wei, Xue Yu, and Balachandran Manavalan
  5. ac4C-AFL.png
    ac4C-AFL: A high-precision identification of human mRNA N4-acetylcytidine sites based on adaptive feature representation learning
    Nhat Truong Pham, Annie Terrina Terrance, Young-Jun JeonRajan Rakkiyappan, and Balachandran Manavalan
  6. H2Opred.png
    H2Opred: a robust and efficient hybrid deep learning model for predicting 2’-O-methylation sites in human RNA
  7. MeL-STPhos.png
    Advancing the accuracy of SARS-CoV-2 phosphorylation site detection via meta-learning approach
    Nhat Truong Pham(†), Le Thi Phan(†), Jimin Seo, Yeonwoo Kim, Minkyung Song, Sukchan Lee, Young-Jun Jeon, and Balachandran Manavalan


  1. AAD-Net.png
    AAD-Net: Advanced end-to-end signal processing system for human emotion detection & recognition using attention-based deep echo state network
    Mustaqeem KhanAbdulmotaleb El Saddik, Fahd Saleh Alotaibi, and Nhat Truong Pham
  2. HDA_mADCRNN.png
    Hybrid data augmentation and deep attention-based dilated convolutional-recurrent neural networks for speech emotion recognition
  3. Fruit-CoV.png
    Fruit-CoV: An efficient vision-based framework for speedy detection and diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infections through recorded cough sounds
    Long H Nguyen(†)Nhat Truong Pham(†)(*), Van Huong Do, Liu Tai Nguyen, Thanh Tin NguyenHai NguyenNgoc Duy NguyenThanh Thi NguyenSy Dzung Nguyen, Asim Bhatti, and Chee Peng Lim


  1. mVina.png
    Improving ligand-ranking of AutoDock Vina by changing the empirical parameters
    T Ngoc Han PhamTrung Hai Nguyen, Nguyen Minh Tam, Thien Y. Vu, Nhat Truong Pham, Nguyen Truong Huy, Binh Khanh Mai, Nguyen Thanh Tung, Minh Quan Pham, Van V. Vu, and Son Tung Ngo
  2. fRiskC.png
    Determination of the optimal number of clusters: a fuzzy-set based method
    Sy Dzung Nguyen, Vu Song Thuy Nguyen, and Nhat Truong Pham